Because of you...

Eric could die at home

When retired software engineer Eric Foot was told that his cancer was terminal, he was firm about two things. He didn’t want to know how long he was expected to live, and he wanted to be at home.

Eric had developed cancer in his late 50s, but following treatment was in remission for seven years. But when the cancer returned three years ago, his voice-box had to be removed, and eventually he found the travelling to Churchill Hospital in Oxford for radiotherapy and the cocktail of drugs too much.

Eric’s son, Tristan, says Eric had lost a lot of weight but his head and neck swelled up and became very uncomfortable. Eric’s first contact with Prospect Hospice was to have his neck and face massaged to alleviate the swelling.

“Dad said he felt it did him good, so we know he got benefit from that,” says Tristan.

“Prospect Hospice fully supported his wish to remain at home, and were insistent that Dad be allowed to have a hospital bed at home. They really pushed for him to get it, which was such a help.

“The thing that really struck me was they just cut through any red tape, any rubbish, wouldn’t take no for an answer and sorted everything out for our father.

“They have such a strong combination of end-of-life skills, experience and understanding how the various health and care systems work – it meant they saw a situation and acted to resolve it.

“The night Dad died they even sent someone in to sit with him, so that Mum could have a bit sleep. Without Prospect Hospice doing all that they did for him, Mum wouldn’t have had anyone there when he passed. Instead, she would have been alone at home with him, seeing him die in considerable discomfort.

“The fact that he was able to spend his final days and nights in his own home, in relevant comfort, together with his wife, is something you can’t put a price on. I will always be grateful to Prospect Hospice for that.”

Because of you...

Because of you, we were there for Eric. Without you, we won’t be there for others like him. To support Prospect Hospice, and others like Eric, click below.
