Big band brings jazz to life in joyous performance for Prospect Hospice

March 2019


Prospect Hospice supporters Mid-West Big Band and Delta West Saxophone Quartet got in the swing and raised £851.00 in aid of the hospice.

In February they filled the fantastic acoustics of Christ Church with the swinging sounds of Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Duke Ellington and more.

Big-Band members and organisers, Len Morphew and Tony Baker, were overwhelmed with everyone’s support which saw over 100 people turn up and listen to the bands get in the groove for the hospice. There was even a small group of people up jiving in the corner!

Both Len and Tony would like to say thank you to the very talented Bob Cutting, for joining them on the night as their professional guest director, and a special mention goes to Gerry Mason, who performed with the big band on the night, on what was his 80th birthday!

Len and Tony would also like to say thank you to Swindon cafe Baristocats and Pizza Express for their kind generosity along with everyone else who kindly donated prizes for the raffle which was ran by hospice volunteers.

They would also like to thank Christ Church for providing the fantastic venue, and everyone who came along and helped to raise a fantastic amount for the hospice.

Hollie Ricketts, Community Fundraiser said: “I would like to say, on behalf of us all at Prospect Hospice, thank you to Len, Tony, the Mid-West Big Band, Delta West Saxophone Quartet and everyone else who supported the Big Band night in aid of the hospice.”

“We are truly grateful to them all for their kind support. We would also like to extend our thanks to everyone who attended the evening in aid of Prospect Hospice and donated so generously, raising such a great amount in aid of the hospice and towards the dedicated end-of-life care we provide across Swindon, Marlborough and north east Wiltshire.”

Pictured left to right: Tony Baker, Hollie Ricketts, Len Morphew

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