Caring for you

Community Nurse Specialists

For people who seek our care, the first person they are likely to meet from Prospect Hospice is a Prospect Clinical Nurse Specialist. This team is unique within our local community and they are funded by Prospect Hospice – and not any other charity or organisation, either local or national.

We are a highly-skilled team of experienced nurses bringing our skills and knowledge into the homes of people living with life-limiting illnesses.

Offering reassurance during uncertain times, we’re here for patients and families to call upon for practical help and guidance.

Partnering with GPs, community nurses and other health care professionals – we offer the best possible care and support, to our community. We also work closely with patients to ease their pain and symptoms, and support families, friends and carers.

We’re happy to be our patients and families first point of contact, offering help, support and guidance.

Help and advice

There is a Prospect Clinical Nurse Specialist available for patients to speak with, seven days a week. We also have a team member available to help with any questions you may have about your illness or the illness of a family member.

A Prospect Clinical Specialist Nurse can help and advise on issues including:

  • Pain management
  • Living with fatigue
  • Coping with breathlessness
  • Sleeping and eating difficulties
  • Other illness-related symptoms

A Prospect Clinical Nurse specialist will also:

  • Talk with patients and their families about any worries or anxieties they might experience
  • Support the care given by other healthcare professionals with their personal knowledge and understanding of a patient’s condition
  • Provide patients and the people closest to them with up-to-date information about other services available through Prospect Hospice and other relevant organisations
  • Offer caring support and practical advice for patients’ family and carer

The Prospect Clinical Nurse Specialist team are community based and offer care and support to people across Swindon and north east Wiltshire.

We also support people who live in care homes. Working alongside the  care home staff to ensure residents receive the best possible care when they need it.

The work of our Prospect Clinical Nurse Specialists is only possible through the generous support of our community. If you’d like to support our Prospect Clinical Nurse Specialists with the vital service they provide across Swindon and north-east Wiltshire , please click the donate button on our home page.

Contact Us

If you are a patient, family member or from the local healthcare community, and you need fast expert advice, please call the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) team on 01793 816124 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm).

If you need to talk to an expert outside these hours, call 01793 816109 to access our 24 hour advice line.

How you hear from us

If you’d like to know more about what we do, please complete this quick form…

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