Spring Run 2024

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Start: Sunday 3 March @ 9:30 am

End: Sunday 3 March @ 12:00 pm

Location: Coate Water Country Park

***This event is now closed***

Thank you to everyone who participated, cheered on and volunteered to make our Spring Run 2024 one of the most successful we’ve ever had. The sun surprised us all by making a much-needed appearance after a rather soggy few weeks leading up to the run. You have all done incredible with your fundraising and the total so far stands at over £23,000 with still more sponsorship due in.

We are also very grateful to Coate Water Country Park for allowing us to use the venue, Tesco for donating bananas for our tired runners and DBMax for providing the timing chips.

As with all our events, the money raised will go towards ensuring local people continue to receive free end of life care. Because of you, we can continue providing outstanding care and support to people in your community. Thank you!

If you’re looking for your next challenge and would like to support us, why not sign up for our most anticipated event of the year Starlight Walk in June? Find out more by clicking the button below.

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Check out how much fun we all had at Spring Run 2024…

What difference does your participation in the spring run make?

The money you raise will go towards ensuring local people continue to receive free end of life care. People like Alisa and her family.

“The thing we found equally important, though, was the way Prospect Hospice understood and cared about us children, too. It can be traumatising to have to provide very personal care to your own parents, but they understood that and helped us be their children again, rather than their carers. They enabled us all to reclaim dignity, and they also enabled us to cry about the whole situation. That meant so much.”

Coate Water Country Park, Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 6AA
