Fish Brothers donates £5,000 to Thanks a Million challenge

April 2021


The directors of 73-year-old Swindon-based car dealers Fish Brothers have donated £5,000 to Prospect Hospice’s Thanks a Million challenge on behalf of the company.

“As a third-generation family firm we feel a very strong connection with our community anyway – our staff and customers are at the heart of what we do, and we are proud to support local charities,” said Tim Fish, one of the directors.

“Our support for Prospect Hospice goes back about ten years, when my wife and I did the Camino Santiago pilgrimage walk in Northern Spain. One of the people in our group was Suzanne Bradley, and as we walked the 130km of course there’s time to do a lot of talking. One of the things Suzanne told us about the work her late father, David Margesson, did for Prospect Hospice.

“I was blown away by what she told me, about this amazing charity we have in the midst of our community, which has such a positive impact on people in the last year or two of their lives, and also how Prospect Hospice supports the entire family. David had been president of the hospice, and was a consummate fundraiser. I felt that Prospect Hospice was something that we at Fish Brothers really should support.

“We all have sad periods in our lives, and have loved ones who need the specialist end-of-life care that only a hospice can provide. Having had two loved ones who have been cared for by Prospect Hospice, I know first-hand what a difference that care and support makes.

“We finished our walk, but Suzanne’s story had lodged in my head, and I was convinced that David’s wonderful work must be continued.

“I hope that as many people as possible will also support this Thanks a Million fundraiser. None of us knows when we, or someone we love dearly, may need that specialist care – care that, because it’s funded by lovely generous local supporters, mean that it can be centred on treating the patient as a person, rather than solely treating the illness.

“Everyone of us who gives is making sure that wonderful gold-standard of care and support can be accessed by everyone who needs it – and at no financial cost whatsoever.

“Prospect Hospice has done so much for the community over its 40 years – let’s all just give it the push it needs to make sure it can continue helping everyone until its usual fundraising  sources – its shops, events and challenges – can be resumed again.”

Irene Watkins, chief executive at Prospect Hospice, said: “This is a wonderful donation and I want to thanks them enormously for this. Times have been tough for all business, not just charities, over the last year so for them to think of us and donate this sum is incredible in such challenging times. It’s really going to boost our Thanks a Million fundraising challenge total and every penny of it will be spent on caring for local people who need our specialist care at the end of their lives.”

To donate to the hospice as part of our Thanks a Million challenge, click here.

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