From garden to plate – make Rob’s rhubarb crumble

June 2020

Care, News, Our Team

Here at the hospice we’re keen to keep the food miles down and use local produce where we can and they don’t get more local that from our own garden!

This morning our catering manager headed out to see what he could find and came across this wonderful rhubarb. In no time at all it was in the pot and our patients will be enjoying this a little later today.

If you’d like to have a go at recreating Rob’s rhubarb crumble, here’s the recipe:


500g rhubarb cut into little finger lengths
100g golden caster sugar
1tsp of mixed spice
2tbsp strawberry jam

For the crumble topping
140g self-raising flour
85g butter, chilled
50g light brown muscovado sugar


Tip 500g thumb-length chunks of rhubarb into a saucepan with 100g golden caster sugar, 2 tbsp of strawberry jam and the mixed spice.

Cover and simmer on a very low heat for 15 mins, adding more sugar if you want. When soft (but still holding its shape) and sweet enough, pour the rhubarb into a medium baking dish.

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.

To make the topping, rub 140g self-raising flour and 85g chilled butter together with your fingers until you have a soft, crumbly topping. Now stir in your sugar.

Scatter the topping over the rhubarb and bake for 30 mins or until golden brown on top.

Serve piping hot with a big jug of thick vanilla custard or ice cream.

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