Let’s talk about grief

December 2020

Care, Family Support

A local charity is encouraging people to talk about their grief during National Grief Awareness Week which is taking place from 2 to 8 December. This year’s focus is on sharing our grief and being able to tell our stories, which in turn may offer support and hope to others who are experiencing loss and bereavement.

Now more than ever, is the time to be thinking about how we can support one another and to not allow distance to mean we can’t share our grief. Throughout this week and across the country, many organisations and charities are putting on a range of events relating to grief and loss. Further information about these events can be found here https://www.thegoodgrieftrust.org

Lucinda Gomiciaga, bereavement care co-ordinator at Prospect Hospice suggests that: “Many of us will experience grief in our lives, not just as a result of death but also through a myriad of other losses, such as divorce, loss of health and now losses as a result of the impact of Covid-19. Grief can manifest in many different emotions, thoughts and feelings and for some, this can be a very painful, confusing and lonely time. Grief is often an intensely personal experience and each person will respond to a death in different ways. There are no rights or wrongs and no set time frames in which we grieve. However, many people find talking to friends, families and others who have been bereaved can help to reduce feelings of isolation and aloneness. Being able to share their stories and memories can help those grieving to know that the person who has died will be remembered.”

In times of bereavement, the offer of emotional and practical support can really help those who are grieving to feel that others care. However, for those wanting to help the bereaved, it is sometimes difficult to know what to say or do. Seeing a friend or loved one struggle with their grief can be very difficult. Sometimes just making a simple phone call, or sending a text or a letter can go a long way to letting the bereaved person know they are not alone.

If you need support at this time, Prospect Hospice has some practical and useful information and guidance on their website from how to register a death to some guidelines around funerals during this pandemic. There is also information on how people can help someone who has been bereaved and suggestions of small steps people can take to look after themselves following a loss. To access this information, visit www.prospect-hospice.net/covid-19-bereavement-support/

Prospect Hospice has an experienced and dedicated bereavement and family support team which is available to support families and friends of those patients who have received the support of the hospice’s services. For those people who have not been known to Prospect Hospice, the charity is always happy to support and signpost you to other local or national bereavement services.

This year, to support local people, the hospice will be bringing their annual Light up a Life service of remembrance to people in their own homes so they still have a way to remember people at this special time of year. If you would like to join in and remember a loved one, the service will be available online this Sunday, at 4.30pm at www.prospect-hospice.net/lightupalife

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