Global Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Day

June 2024

Care, Therapy

Prospect Hospice Celebrates National MND Day by Spotlighting Dedicated MND Care Team

In recognition of Global Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Day on Friday 21 June, Prospect Hospice is highlighting the exceptional care provided by its dedicated MND team.

Dorinda Moffatt, MND and Neurorespiratory Specialist Practitioner, and Kerri Parks, MND Healthcare Assistant, are instrumental in supporting patients and families living with MND. Their expertise, compassion, and unwavering dedication make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by this devastating disease.

Dorinda reflects on the importance of her role: “I understand both personally and professionally that an MND diagnosis is life-changing. That’s why it’s crucial to make every day count and ensure no one in Swindon faces MND alone.”

Kerri echoes Dorinda’s sentiment, stating, “I’m honored to support our MND community and help patients live their best lives.”

The Prospect Hospice team works closely alongside colleagues at the Great Western Hospital, including Consultant Neurologist Dr Mazzucco and her team, to provide pioneering care across Swindon.

This powerful partnership brings together a wealth of expertise, ensuring patients with MND have access to the best possible treatment and a more comprehensive support network.

Prospect Hospice expresses its deepest gratitude to Dorinda and Kerri for their unwavering commitment to MND care.

#MNDAwarenessDay #ProspectHospice #MNDSpecialists #MakingADifference

P.S. Learn more about MND and the support Prospect Hospice offers: MND – Prospect Hospice

Kerrri, Dr Mazzucco (GWH) and Dorinda


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