Prospect Hospice’s response to CQC inspection report

September 2019


Following the recent CQC inspection of the hospice, Irene Watkins, Chief Executive of Prospect Hospice, said:

“We welcome the recognition from the CQC that Prospect Hospice continues to improve the care we provide, but we are disappointed that they did not feel that the improvements they have recognised warranted a more appropriate rating.

“When we were first evaluated by the CQC, we were transparent in our acknowledgement of the improvements that were required.  We were also clear, however, that these improvements could not be achieved overnight but would be subject to a long term, considered and thorough improvement process led by our senior leadership team. I’d like to pay tribute to the ongoing hard work and resilience of staff right across the hospice who have been instrumental in driving the progress we have seen.

“We have provided a great deal of evidence of this progress to the CQC and that process is yielding positive results. As the CQC note, there is clear evidence of this progress that is mirrored in our patient satisfaction surveys which tell a consistently positive story. The inspectors found that staff treat patients with compassion and kindness, respect their privacy and dignity, and take account of their individual needs. Staff morale and engagement has improved as has training and staff recognition of abuse and infection controls procedures.  We are pleased they have recognised that my leadership team and I have worked hard to build a committed team who want to work well together to put the needs of our service users first.

“I have always said that this is a not a quick fix and there is clearly work still to be done, but we have made great strides in the right direction which the CQC recognise. The whole team at Prospect Hospice are working very hard to continue this progress and to continue to provide the very best care to people in our care.”


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