Firework fundraiser goes off with a bang for Prospect Hospice

March 2019


An annual New Year’s Eve firework fundraiser for Prospect Hospice, hosted in Purton raised £310.22 towards our work, bringing the total raised to £1,494.47 since it started.  

Each year John Matthews and the rest of the committee (pictured below) based in Purton, run an annual New Year’s Eve firework display in aid of Prospect Hospice. The 2018 event raised the most it ever has, raising £310.22.

John was blown away by the generosity of the owner of MBROS in Gorse Hill, who gave them a great deal on the fireworks for the event, which helped them raise even more for Prospect Hospice. He would like to say a huge thank you to MBROS for their fantastic support and to everyone who came along on the night and joined in, helping to raise funds for the hospice.

John said: “Last year’s event was the best yet and the Caribbean Goat Curry was something special! Thank you to everyone who made the event such a great success.”

Hollie Ricketts, Community Fundraiser said: ““I would like to say, on behalf of us all at Prospect Hospice, thank you to John and the whole committee for their fantastic support over the years.”

“We also would like to extend our thanks to MBROS for their continued support of Prospect Hospice. Each year the event seems to grow in popularity and it’s great to hear how much fun everyone has, whilst raising vital funds for their local hospice, on New Year’s Eve. Thank you to everyone who has supported the event and helped to raise such a great amount.”

Pictured from left to right:

Harry Joslyn, Mike Foley, Matt Evans, Michael Evans, Paul Birch, John Matthews

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