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Join our board of trustees

We’re currently recruiting exceptional people to join our board of trustees

Over four decades, Prospect Hospice has become the organisation that people in Swindon, Marlborough and north Wiltshire turn to when they, or the people they love, are diagnosed with a life-limiting illness. We have cared for and supported thousands of local people, which is why so many people contribute in their own way to a charity that makes a positive difference in our community.

Our vision is ‘A community where death is no longer a taboo, and everyone has the right to live and die well’. At Prospect Hospice, our patients and their loved ones, our staff and our volunteers are at the centre of all that we do. Working with local health and social care partners, and stakeholders from across the community, we have a vital role in improving end-of-life care for everyone.

We are looking for new trustees who can support our mission to work with and through others using our skills and expertise, so that people have a choice and support at the end of their life.

Our board usually meets four times each year, in addition to which trustees are asked to also join one of our quarterly sub committees. While it would be beneficial for trustees to be willing/able to contribute to Prospect Hospice related activity outside meetings, for example to participate in specific project-focused tasks or attending and representing the charity at external events, this is not essential.

What does it mean to be a trustee?

“Trustees are the people in charge of a charity. They help to make the UK the sixth-most giving country in the world. They play a vital role, volunteering their time and working together to make important decisions about the charity’s work.” (Trustee Week 2018)

The board is legally accountable for the activities of the hospice. The role of the board has five main parts:

1. To lead the hospice, establish its mission, vision and values and ensure it has a clear purpose and an overall framework of policies and standards.

2. To develop overall strategies to achieve the hospice’s aims and ensure there is a clear system to delegate implementation of the strategies to the chief executive and the staff team.

3. To monitor the performance of the hospice against standards and ensure that it provides the highest quality of care, balanced with the effective, efficient and economic use of the hospice’s resources and assets.

4.To ensure compliance with the law and accountability to the hospice’s stakeholders.

5. To ensure that the board itself performs effectively and contains people with the skills and experience it needs and makes plans to ensure the recruitment, induction and development of new trustees.”

The above has been taken from www.hospiceuk.org

Who are we looking for in a trustee?

Our board of trustee team has responsibility for overseeing our strategy and performance and we are looking for people who will bring the enthusiasm, experience and commitment we need to help guide the hospice through the next phase of its development. You will have the ability to be an effective role model and influencer and be committed to the aims, objectives and values of Prospect Hospice, maintaining a genuine interest in our work. You will be a strategic and creative thinker and be able to work effectively as part of a team.

We are particularly interested to hear from candidates with relevant experience and professionally qualified in the following:

  • Human Resources, Transformation and change management
  • Fundraising and marketing (background in digital marketing or data insights would be beneficial)
  • Governance and compliance management


The majority of the work will take place at the Prospect Hospice, Wroughton, but representation and ambassadorial activity could take place anywhere within the charity’s catchment area or remotely.

Equality and diversity

Prospect Hospice values the diversity of its community and aims to have a workforce, board and volunteer group that reflects this. We therefore encourage applications from all sections of the community and applications from individuals are encouraged regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, offending background, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief and marriage and civil partnerships.


Prospect Hospice is committed to promoting the wellbeing of all adults and children who use our services, ensuring that they live a life that is free from harm, abuse and neglect. We work in an open and transparent way and encourage staff, volunteers, patients and families to raise any safeguarding concerns.

Want to know more?

Below you’ll find a range of information that will help you learn more about Prospect Hospice and what’s involved in being a trustee with the charity including:

  • The impact you’ll have on our local community
  • Candidate pack including information on how to apply
  • Profiles of our highly skilled and experienced trustees
  • The Charity Commission document The Essential Trustee
  • Contact details for more information and an informal discussion

Download your application pack

Interested in join us and want to know more? Download your trustee application pack below.

Download application pack

Meet our board of trustees

Our diverse and highly skilled board of trustees come across the local community and bring a wealth of experience with them. They volunteer their time to help govern and support the hospice to ensure we’re providing the services our patients need.

What our staff say about working at Prospect Hospice

Get in touch

For an informal discussion about these roles, please contact Siobhain Acott, on 01793 816119 or email siobhainacott@prospect-hospice.net


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