Write your Will and give a boost to Prospect Hospice

August 2019


If you haven’t got a Will in place, your estate may not be left to the person you intend it to. For example, for a couple that isn’t married, the house you’ve been living in for a number of years, may not automatically be transferred to the person you’ve been living with. A Will is an important document to have in place and we are working with a number of local solicitors to make the process that little bit easier.

We are inviting local people to take advantage of a fundraising will-writing initiative, which sees local solicitors donating their fees for writing wills to Prospect Hospice during September.

Three local firms are offering a limited number of appointments for people who need to write their will. Under the scheme, this can be done for a suggested donation of the solicitors’ regular fee, less the VAT.

Lisa Curtis from Prospect Hospice’s fundraising team said: “Prospect Hospice has run its Make a Will Month initiative for several years, benefiting from thousands of pounds in donations to the charity, thanks to the generous support of the people who write their wills and the solicitors who offer their services. There is only a limited number of spaces available at each of the firms during September so people who want to take part in the scheme are urged to make contact with firms early.”

The firms taking part in Make a Will Month are Bower and Bailey, Francis George and Forrester Sylvester Mackett. People wanting to write their will should contact each of the firms directly and mention that they are interested in Prospect Hospice’s Make a Will Month offer.

Go to Make a Will and find out more.

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